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Training To Teach Yoga In A Small Group...

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As many of you know I am currently running our second MahalaYoga Teacher Training course, this one I am running from my home and we are a small group, Im training 4 people how to teach yoga, as I mentioned before in previous Blogs it was a hard decision to run the course from my home, firstly as I could see there was no other courses running like this and secondly it would seem un professional, well I took the plunge and done it, and it turns out that we have actually gone back to the traditional way of teaching yoga, in a relaxed way. 

yoga teacher training london


The students are picking things up really quickly and they seem to really be getting a full understanding of the Philosophy and History of yoga, the practical side is fantastic too as they are starting to come along to the Classes in Clapham and Brixton, first of all to observe me teaching the class to see what it feels like to be in the room and not on the mat, from here they are starting to assist me in the classes,  where both myself, the students and the teacher trainers are happy they then start to talk through sections of the class, with the full guidance and assistance from myself the whole way through, if you think about it when someone is training to be a doctor they have to then spend some time out in the field with the guidance of an expert to help them until they are ready to make that transition...that is exactly how our training works here at MahalaYoga, with fantastic results so it seems! If you come along to any of our classes the chances are pretty high that you would have seen how great this is working first hand, not only do the students in the class get extra attention, the student who is training also receives loads of support, and Im getting to work with loads of really great inspirational people!!

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